Friday, August 6, 2010

Busy Bee

I can't believe how fast this week has flown by. I was working a lot on school stuff to get ready for the start of classes in a month, and working extensively at both jobs. I also dusted off the ol' tap shoes to teach a summer dance camp at a local studio:where I'll be teaching competitive tap lines a few hours a week this fall. It was a ton of fun, great leg workout, and will be a big stress relief when school gets crazy. I haven't had much time to knit, but was able to get some reading in! I finished Margaret Atwood's The Year of the Flood, which was really good but made me wish I had read Oryx and Crake right before this one. Next on my list are two mountaineering books (surprise, surprise)- Alexander Huber's The Mountain Within (the Huber brothers are two famous free ascent climbers) and one recommended to me by a reader- Arlene Blum's Breaking Trail. I'm excited to get through these as my last bit of reading before things get really hectic, though it might be too late for that.
Other happy things right now:
- Starting a mindless hat for the head of a younger girl cousin in sparkly purple yarn, which based on her current wardrobe I'm sure she'll enjoy.
- The new Arcade Fire CD- probably not as good as their last one, but still plenty enjoyable to listen to.
- Having a quick hoagie lunch with my brother.
- Extra garlic in my dinner yesterday.
- Sending out mail that I hope will brighten someone's day.
- Knowing that Sunday night, after such a long work week, I'll be able to take a nice walk around the lake, have a barbecue with some wine and good company, and then climb hard all day Monday.

Have a great weekend, everyone. :)

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